PhD thesis defended by Olga Kozlova
- Дата поста: 2 October 2023
- Автор поста: admin
The defense of the dissertation of the PhD of biological sciences Olga Sergeevna Kozlova was held on March 26, 2023 in Moscow at the Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMBB). The topic of the thesis: “Full-genome analysis of the heat shock protein system in extremophilic chironomics of the Chironomidae family” in the specialty 03.01.03 – “Molecular Biology”.
Scientific adviser: Ph.D. O.A. Gusev.
Scientific Consultant: Dr.Sc. Z.I. Abramova.
Official opponents: Dr.Sc. D.G. Garbuz, Dr.Sc. A.M. Kulikov.
Leading organization: Institute of Cytology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
We heartily congratulate Olga on protection and wish them further success in science and life!